Backpacks of Care

Uplifting lives, one backpack of care at a time.

Care that multiples.

These Backpacks of Care contain essentials that alleviate some of their everyday financial burdens. But more than that, they provide a sense of security so that they can focus on breaking free from cycles they are trapped in.

A single mother, empowered to pursue further education and employment opportunities without the constant worry of putting food on the table. A youth, disengaged at home or in school, discovering their passion in sports and building a supportive community around them.

With your donation, you're not just giving money - you're gifting a Backpack of Care to one of our beneficiaries within your selected group too. Your generosity holds tremendous value in their lives. Thank you for making a difference.


What's in the Backpacks of Care?

These backpacks have been curated by our dedicated Care Corner team to meet the needs of our different beneficiary groups.

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