Uplift For Life Ruckathon 2024

Participant Profile

Serene Koh

Team Member of Family Care Warriors
It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. May we each burn brightly to give light to others so that we may walk together in this journey of life.
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By Serene Koh
raised from 17 donors
40% of $2,000.00
By Family Care Warriors (Team)
raised from 550 donors
122% of $51,750.00
Serene Koh's Supporters

Jessie Koh
donated $100.00

Don’t Eat Rice
donated $50.00

So Proud of You!!!!

donated $100.00

Serene, thank you for sharing about the walk and most importantly for doing what you do in your everyday life! Takes someone with a huge capacity like you to love and care for others! Thank you for having cross paths with you!

donated $50.00

Keep it up, carry on the beauty of serving while enjoying your duty.

Rachel Tan
donated $100.00

Hui Ying
donated $50.00

We can be in the same time and space but in vastly different situations - thank you for supporting the families that Care Corner serves. May it be a meaningful Rucking Day on the 14 Sep!

donated $100.00

Great things are by a series of small things brought together

donated $100.00


donated $100.00

So glad to see the work of Care Corner in the community! May more people continue to pay it forward, just as you did! Jiayou!

donated $50.00

i'm so proud of you. keep doing the great work that you've doing for so long! ruck away my dear!

Michael Tan - BHLCthank
donated $0.87

Happiness and heathly to all families

Richard Sam & Chris Yap
donated $0.92

God's blessing also be with all the good donors.

Jing Hui
donated $0.64

It’s never an easy journey and I can’t imagine how much effort the team has put in to help these families. Thank you for your kindness, courage, bravery to see the worst but never lose faith in making the world a better place.

donated $0.44

Keep up the good work! Thanks for making a difference in the lives of our people!

donated $1.42

Thank you for all that you do, it makes a great difference to the society!

donated $1.61

donated $1.42

Lets go!

Proudly Organised By