Uplift For Life Ruckathon 2024

Participant Profile

Lum Yi

Team Member of Family Care Warriors
I believe that the programmes this fundraising supports are essential for many families to thrive and not just survive in Singapore! Join me in supporting these families!
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By Lum Yi
raised from 21 donors
194% of $800.00
By Family Care Warriors (Team)
raised from 550 donors
122% of $51,750.00
Lum Yi's Supporters

Yizhun Sim
donated $300.00

Thanks Lum Yi for what you do! You are truly a blessing to others

Michael Tan - BHLCthank
donated $0.87

Happiness and heathly to all families

Ang YJ
donated $50.00

Live your dream! Jiayou!

Lum Inn Khuan
donated $30.00

Take care of yourself!

donated $20.00

Jiayous pal!

Lum Kit Hoong
donated $100.00

Lum Yi Well done

TW Lum
donated $50.00

Lum Yi Good Guy!

donated $50.00

You are such an inspiration. Appreciate all your contribution to our society as a social worker. Keep up the good work sir.

Monica Lum
donated $50.00

Lum Yi Well Done!

donated $100.00

Thanks for the opportunity to help, God bless.

Teo Lay Chin
donated $100.00

Thank you Lum Yi for being the Family Care Warriors.

donated $150.00

Blessed to bless

Richard Sam & Chris Yap
donated $0.92

God's blessing also be with all the good donors.

donated $100.00

Jiayou Lumyi!!

Charlotte Boon
donated $50.00

Thanks for inviting me to participate in this very meaningful initiative. Keep up the good work!

Jing Hui
donated $0.64

It’s never an easy journey and I can’t imagine how much effort the team has put in to help these families. Thank you for your kindness, courage, bravery to see the worst but never lose faith in making the world a better place.

Li Hao
donated $100.00

Very proud that you are my friend! Jiayou!

donated $100.00

Keep up the good work! Always amazed by your passion and dedication to your work. Do your best and let God do the rest! God is faithful. May you enjoy the joy of working with HIM and may HIM bless more people through the work of your hands!

donated $0.44

Keep up the good work! Thanks for making a difference in the lives of our people!

donated $100.00

Lum Yi, you have a good heart. Be the truest nerd that you are and ruck all the way! ODAC is in your blood! You’re awesome!

donated $100.00

Enjoy what u do to fullest

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