Uplift For Life Ruckathon 2024

Participant Profile

Debbie Wee

Team Member of Family Care Warriors
I have the opportunity to work with the underprivileged community. I would like to participate in this event to reach the last, lost and the least.
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By Debbie Wee
raised from 16 donors
232% of $500.00
By Family Care Warriors (Team)
raised from 550 donors
122% of $51,750.00
Debbie Wee's Supporters

Michael Tan - BHLCthank
donated $0.87

Happiness and heathly to all families

Richard Sam & Chris Yap
donated $100.00


Richard Sam & Chris Yap
donated $0.92

God's blessing also be with all the good donors.

Lena Wee
donated $60.00

Wish you a great campaign week. All for a good course.

Mummy Elaine
donated $50.00

Jia You! Jia You! Jia You! Love you lots!

Mummy May
donated $50.00

Mummy will cheer you on! Jia You! Love you lots!

Yap Mee Mee
donated $50.00

Way to go, Debbie! God bless you!

donated $50.00

Rachel Tan
donated $100.00

All the best, Debbie !

donated $100.00

donated $100.00

To my dearest Sister Debbie Wee, May God continue to protect you and guide you with your charity work and bless all those you are helping. Love Danny

donated $199.36

Thanks for your efforts for a good cause. May God bless you for your kindness & good deeds.

Mike and Mei
donated $100.00

Your tenacity and resilience inspires us all the time! Jiayouuu sister. Run and press on toward the finishing line.

Thiam May and Tim
donated $100.00

San, cheering you on all the way, jiayou! God bless!

Jing Hui
donated $0.64

It’s never an easy journey and I can’t imagine how much effort the team has put in to help these families. Thank you for your kindness, courage, bravery to see the worst but never lose faith in making the world a better place.

Mark Lim & Samantha Lim
donated $100.00

Jia You! We are so proud of you! We will be cheering for you at the starting & ending points!

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