Uplift For Life Ruckathon 2024

Participant Profile

Janet Lim

Team Member of Family Care Warriors
I believe everyone deserves to have the opportunities in life to succeed. As I have been given many opportunities in my life, I hope I can do my part to contribute back to the community.
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By Janet Lim
raised from 30 donors
132% of $1,000.00
By Family Care Warriors (Team)
raised from 550 donors
122% of $51,750.00
Janet Lim 's Supporters

Michael Tan - BHLCthank
donated $0.87

Happiness and heathly to all families

Richard Sam & Chris Yap
donated $0.92

God's blessing also be with all the good donors.

donated $50.00

donated $5.00

donated $100.00

Press on to support and uplift burdens together

donated $50.00

Yi Ling
donated $50.00

Jia you Janet!!

donated $30.00

Jia You!

Greg Tan
donated $30.00

Gideon Su
donated $10.00

Janet. I wish you all the best. God bless.

donated $20.00

May good intentions be seen and small influences make big ripples.

Stephen Yong
donated $10.00

May God grant you strength and supernatural gifts and love to help needy people

donated $50.00

Good job! Keep up the good work!

Cecelia Tan
donated $50.00

Proud of you!

donated $100.00

donated $50.00


donated $100.00

Thank you for all the good that you do, Janet!

Kim Chew
donated $30.00

donated $100.00

donated $30.00

Ryan Goh
donated $50.00

Keep it up for the good work Janet

Ah Cheng
donated $52.00

All the best with your rukathon

donated $50.00

Happy to support your cause. Jiayou!

Sx lin
donated $30.00

All the best in supporting the needy.

donated $50.00

Jiayou Janet!

PS Tiong
donated $67.36

Supporting your cause. Jiayou!

Ce Wei
donated $50.00

Good work! Keep on helping others!

donated $50.00

Jia you!

Jing Hui
donated $0.64

It’s never an easy journey and I can’t imagine how much effort the team has put in to help these families. Thank you for your kindness, courage, bravery to see the worst but never lose faith in making the world a better place.

Yi Xian
donated $50.00

May God continue to bless you and allow you to be salt and light where you are placed. Jia you!

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