Uplift For Life Ruckathon 2024

Participant Profile

Adeline Wee

Team Member of Ruck Stars
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By Adeline Wee
raised from 5 donors
10% of $2,000.00
By Ruck Stars (Team)
raised from 439 donors
182% of $29,650.00
Adeline Wee's Supporters

Thomas & Joys
donated $100.00

The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.

donated $0.35

donated $30.00

Thanks for giving back to society! For a good cause, keep it up!

Shu Lin
donated $50.00

For anything that you do, it’s always bound to be for the best of someone, and so I’ll always be behind you no matter what

donated $20.00

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