Uplift For Life Ruckathon 2024

Participant Profile

Samuel Mo

Team Member of Family Care Warriors
Many families bear huge burdens such as abuse, multiple stressors, mental health issues and financial hardship. Join me in this cause to alleviate the burdens of these families through your giving
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By Samuel Mo
raised from 4 donors
8% of $500.00
By Family Care Warriors (Team)
raised from 550 donors
122% of $51,750.00
Samuel Mo's Supporters

Michael Tan - BHLCthank
donated $0.87

Happiness and heathly to all families

Richard Sam & Chris Yap
donated $0.92

God's blessing also be with all the good donors.

donated $10.00

Thank you Sam for your heart in walking with different ones, and carrying their weight together with them. Keep rucking on!

donated $30.00


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