Uplift For Life Ruckathon 2024

Participant Profile

Joseph Chan

Team Member of SpeakLIFE
There are many individuals and families out there who need our support to break out from their poverty cycle. I appeal to you to join me in this cause to uplift these lives! Thank you very much!
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By Joseph Chan
raised from 4 donors
160% of $100.00
By SpeakLIFE (Team)
raised from 332 donors
215% of $23,100.00
Joseph Chan's Supporters

donated $20.00

you ate slay

donated $10.00


Joan Chan
donated $100.00

Thank you, Joe, for doing your part for a great cause! May God bless you abundantly and fill you with His grace and strength as you continue to do His work.

donated $30.00

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