Uplift For Life 2024

Rules and Regulations

  1. The Uplift For Life 2024 (the "Event") is organised by Care Corner Singapore (the "Organisers"). By taking part in the Event, the Participant accepts and agrees to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Event as sanctioned by the Organisers.
  2. By submitting the application to participate in the Event, the person(s) named in the online form (each a "Participant”) acknowledges that he/she has read these Rules and Regulations, and confirm his/her agreement and acceptance to abide by and comply with these Rules and Regulations, and grant consent to the Organiser to collect, use and disclose his/her personal data for the purpose of his/her registration to be a participation of the Event and for any subsequent communications regarding the Event. The Organisers reserve the right to vary, amend, delete or add to any of these Rules and Regulations, at any time, in its sole and absolute discretion without prior notice.
  3. The Event shall include the following activities:
    • Hosting a physical walk on 14 September 2024 at Punggol Waterway consisting of a 5KM Walk + Rucking and fringe activities, stage events, ground activities available at the site of the Event.
    • More details are contained in our FAQs.
  4. The Participant must provide true, accurate, current and complete information about the Participant in the online registration entry. If a Participant provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or if Care Corner has grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Care Corner may suspend or terminate the Participant's registration without reason. The Organisers may contact the Participant from time to time by email and/or SMS and/or phone call in connection with the Event.
  5. The event is open to members of the public.
    • Participants that are 12 years of age and below must be always accompanied by a parent/guardian throughout their participation in the Event.
    • For the safety of the participants, if there are any unaccompanied children during the Event, the Organisers reserve the right to ask these children and their parents/guardians to leave the Event.
  6. The Organisers shall not be responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete entry details.
  7. The Organisers reserve the right to vary, amend, delete or add to any of these Rules and Regulations, at any time, in their sole and absolute discretion without prior notice.
  8. The Organisers reserve the right to cancel or change any details of the Event or any component of it at any time without prior notice to Participants. Reasonable efforts will be made to inform Participants of changes prior to the date of the Event. The Organisers shall not be liable for any consequential loss or inconvenience arising from any cancellation or change of any details of the Event or any component thereof.
Release Indemnity
  1. Participants hereby irrevocably and unconditionally release Care Corner, the organisers, sponsors, agencies and all parties whomsoever and howsoever connected with the Event from and against all claims and damages whatsoever including without limitation, any personal injury, that may arise from participation in the Event by the Participant's spouse/ Participant's child/ward and/or the Participant. The Participant also confirms they have read the FAQ and certifies that he/she (and their children and wards) is/we are physically fit to participate in the Event. Participants with medical conditions (including any illness on the day of the Event) hereby confirm that they have sought /will seek medical advice prior to participating in the Event.
  2. The Participant confirms that the applicable Care Corner Privacy Policy (https://upliftforlife.carecorner.org.sg/privacy-policy) applies to him/ her with respect to the personal data set out in the registration forms and confirms that where personal data relates to a third party, the Participant has obtained that third parties' consent to release the same to Care Corner.
Health and Safety
  1. Every Participant is responsible for his/her involvement in the Event. The Organisers will not be liable for any injuries, mishaps, sickness, death or loss/ damage to personal property that may occur during the Event. Every Participant needs to be aware that his/her participation in the Event may be physically demanding and will involve a certain amount of risk and in choosing to participate, every Participant acknowledges that he/she will take all due care for their own safety and the safety of others, and accepts all risks associated with participation in the Event and that such acceptance is a precondition to his/her participation. Every Participant understands that he/she will have to co-operate fully with the Organisers and diligently comply with all safety instructions, directions and requirements and the precautionary measures implemented.
  2. Every Participant agrees not to hold the Organisers or any of its related companies or any of their respective officers, employees and agents liable for any damage to or loss of property or any injury or loss of life which may be sustained by the Participant during the course or arising from any cause in connection with his/her participation in the Event.
  3. Every Participant acknowledges the disclaimer waiving all claims against Care Corner and any third party acting on its behalf or working within the framework of the Event.
  4. Participants participate in this Event at their own risk. The Organisers, the sponsors and their subsidiaries and affiliates, and the officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, and insurers of such entities shall not be liable for any death, injury, loss or damage, suffered during or otherwise arising from the Event.
  5. Participants must adhere to the safety advisories; and the laws and regulations of the local authority to stay safe and well.
  6. The Organisers reserve the right to cancel/postpone the Event at the Organisers' sole discretion without further obligation. The Organisers shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused due to such changes.
  7. If a Participant feels unwell before or during the Event, he/she should cease participation at once and seek immediate medical attention.
  8. Every Participant must wear proper gear or attire when doing exercises, and/or protective or safety clothing and devices, as required by their choice of activity.
  9. Every Participant must hydrate adequately.
  10. Participants must retire at once from the Event if ordered to do so by a member of the working committee, finale day working committee, medical personnel or any governmental authority including fire and police officers for any reason whatsoever.
  11. Participants are responsible and will assume liability for any and all medical expenses incurred as a result of participation in the Event, including but not limited to ambulance transport, hospital stay, physician and pharmaceutical goods and services.
  12. The Organisers reserve the right to make any amendment to the Event that we deem necessary to stage the Event for reasons of safety or requests made by local authority, police or any emergency service.
  13. The Organisers reserve the right to delay, cancel or suspend the Event for any reason as it may see fit and/or due to unforeseen circumstances including but not limited to inclement weather or health and safety measures by the government.
  14. Participants are advised to take up their own personal or other insurance policies. No insurance will be provided by the Event.
  1. Participants must not verbally, physically abuse, demonstrate vulgar actions towards another participant, official or public. Anyone behaving in a disorderly or disruptive manner may be asked to withdraw from the Event.
  2. By participating in the Event, you grant the Organisers and their respective assigns, licensees and affiliated companies the exclusive right to use, and to grant others the right to use, your name, likeness, biographical information, photographs, voice, personal characteristics, incidents in your life and other personal identification, as well as any videotape, sound recordings or other audio or visual portrayals of you in any and all manner and media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe in perpetuity, for purposes of advertising or promotion in connection with the Event or any other internal or external productions related to the Event.
  3. To the best of the knowledge of the Organisers, the information presented on our website is believed to be correct. The Organisers do not accept responsibility for any actions taken on the basis of this information neither does it accept any liability for omission, or errors of fact contained herein or therein.
  4. It is a pre-condition of your participation that you have read the FAQs and familiarized yourself with the risks, hazards, attire and safety precautions to be taken during this Event.

Proudly Organised By